Adding USP bar below main navigation on mobile

December 2017
 AB TestControl and variation



This US website is a marketplace where consumers can buy and sell used electronics like phones and cameras. They wanted to increase conversions on mobile by adding the USP’s in a top bar – below the main navigation. Clicking on a USP would provide more information in a info popup.


  Adding a USP bar on top of the mobile version of the website will increase the transactions as it will reduce anxiety (no junk, Paypal protection).


The variation beat the control with over 99% significance:
The conversation rate (transactions per session) increased +23% from 0.69% to 0.84%.


With limited mobile screen real estate there is a tradeoff between motivational USP information and more product information.
Adding the USPs clearly pays for this marketplace. Trust may be an important element as users do not know who they are dealing with in a consumer to consumer market.

Test details

Test element USP
Page type All
Test date December 2017
Tested by TsuNami Click

Website information

Company Marketplace
Market E-Commerce, Electronics
Language English
Test result
Test element USP
Page All
Result +22% transactions

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