Changing the button copy from “Signup for Free” to “Get Started Now”

May 2010
Variation B
Variation B
Carelogger is a tool for diabetics that tracks different diabetes health metrics. The personal logbooks for patients are free. Business accounts allow doctors to monitor sereral patients and are paid. The company wanted to increase the number of signups for their tool on their homepage.


 Changing the call to action from “Get started now” to “Sign up for free” will increase the number of singnups.


Indeed the number of signups increased by 7%. Probably ‘Sign up’ feels more like a committent this audience, as a free trial might turn into a paid service later. Hence ‘Get started now’ reduces the fear of signing up for a paid service.


Test details

Test element Call to Action
Page type Home
Test date May 2010

Website information

Company Carelogger
Market Finance, Lead generation
Test result
Test element Call to Action
Page Home
Result +7% signups

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